Friday, June 8, 2012

Shakeology Gives You Natural Energy

Have you ever fallen asleep at work?  Maybe at a certain point in the day, you simply can't keep your eyes open.  I have fallen victim to this many times.  I would have to fight  to try and keep my eyes from shutting.  I wanted to keep my job so I had to continually get up from my desk to stay awake.  Recently I realized something, I haven't been falling asleep at my desk for the past month.  I really had to think hard about this one, but it has been a while since this has happened.  I have been on Shakeology for about two full months now and I am really starting to understand that natural energy claim they make.  I thought they were referring to being more energetic, but it isn't that at all.  Now understand, if you start taking Shakeology and expect to have this magical energy overcome your body within days, expect to be dissapointed.  It takes time for these things to develop, but let me assure you, it works and it worked for me!  What situations have you come across where you have fallen asleep at work?  Meetings, sitting at your desk or maybe somewhere else??  Think of how much more productive you could be!

Enjoy what you do and do what you enjoy! 

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