Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Stretching es Muy Bueno!

Building muscle mass and losing weight are both positive outcomes of working out. Something that can prevent you from reaching your goals is injury. I cannot stress enough the importance of stretching. Here is what stretching can do for you:

·  Reduce muscle tension
·  Increase range of movement in the joints
·  Enhance muscular coordination
·  Increase circulation of the blood to various parts of the body
·  Increase energy levels (resulting from increased circulation)

Here are some helpful tips before, while, and after stretching:

·  Warm up first
Stretching muscles when they're cold increases your risk of pulled muscles. Warm up by walking while gently pumping your arms, or do a favorite exercise at low intensity for five minutes.

·  Hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds
It takes time to lengthen tissues safely. Hold your stretches for at least 30 seconds — and up to 60 seconds for a really tight muscle or problem area. That can seem like a long time, so wear a watch or keep an eye on the clock to make sure you're holding your stretches long enough. For most of your muscle groups, if you hold the stretches for at least 30 seconds, you'll need to do each stretch only once.

·  Don't bounce
Bouncing as you stretch can cause small tears (microtears) in the muscle, which leave scar tissue as the muscle heals. The scar tissue tightens the muscle even further, making you even less flexible — and more prone to pain.

·  Focus on a pain-free stretch
If you feel pain as you stretch, you've gone too far. Back off to the point where you don't feel any pain, then hold the stretch.

·  Relax and breathe freely

·  Don't hold your breath while you're stretching

·  Stretch both sides
Make sure your joint range of motion is as equal as possible on each side of your body

·  Stretch before and after activity
Light stretching after your warm-up followed by a more thorough stretching regimen after your workout is your best bet.!

For more tips or if you have any questions, please go to to learn more

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Shakeology vs Herbalife

With all the different products on the market today, I thought it would be nice to do another comparison so Shakeology.  Today I will be reviewing Shakeology to Herbalife. Both are designed to be used in place of your regular meal, and offer a variety of nutrients and essential vitamins and minerals for optimum health and help individuals reach their weight loss goals. Each product is good, but I think by the end of this comparison, you will realize that Shakeology is the better choice of the two.   

Ingredient Comparison: Herbalife and Shakeology

Herbalife – made with antioxidant vitamins C and E as part of over 20 vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients, Herbalife offers a healthy meal in a glass. Along with 9 grams of protein and fiber per serving, Herbalife contains Aminogen(r) and bromelain and papain, all known to support the digestion of protein to make sure your body puts those 9 grams of protein per serving to use! Herbalife offers a variety of different flavors so you can choose your favorites or keep a variety of meal replacement shakes on hand for a more interesting menu. Choose from vanilla, chocolate, berry, fruit, coffee and others.

Shakeology – features ingredients from all over the world and more than 70 whole food ingredients per serving. The vitamins and minerals in every serving are absorbed by your body at optimum levels due to the phytonutrients, prebiotics and digestive enzymes in every serving, too. Shakeology comes in three flavors of chocolate, greenberry and tropical strawberry.

*Tropical Strawberry is vegan.  Please refer to the following link to get more information about the most delicious vegan shake ever created!

Nutrition Fact Comparison

To really understand what you’re putting in your body, you should always look at the nutrition label. When considering one product over another, it’s a good idea to compare each of the nutrients with the same nutrient from the product you’re comparing. If considering weight loss products like Herbalife and Shakeology, here are the most important nutrition facts to compare (these are for product only and do not include the milk or soy milk you may use to create your shake):

Shakeology: 140
Herbalife: 90

Shakeology: 15mg
Herbalife: 0

Shakeology: 100mg
Herbalife: 140mg

Carbohydrates/ Fiber:
Shakeology: 3g
Herbalife: 3g

Shakeology: 9g
Herbalife: 9g

Shakeology: 17g
Herbalife: 9g

Shakeology or Herbalife

Based on nutrient facts, if you have problems with cholesterol, you may be better off choosing Herbalife as a meal replacement shake, since it offers a shake that is cholesterol-free. On the other hand, protein is an essential ingredient for successful weight loss, and Shakeology has larger amounts of protein per serving in addition to amino acids and enzymes which help your body absorb as much protein as possible. Shakeology is a product which can be used long after you reach your weight loss goals, as a daily nutritional supplement to ensure you are receiving all of the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs to remain as healthy as possible, so some people decide using Shakeology as a meal replacement shake during weight loss and then continuing it as a daily supplement is a good way to reach health goals.

This is just one of the many different products that you may have questions about.  If you would like to know more, please feel free to contact me directly by visiting my page: Contact Zak Brown

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Same Routine Yields Same Results

Every day you keep up the same routine and expect different results. Don’t you think that after doing the same thing for years and not getting the results you want, you should switch up your routine? If not, you are destined for failure. In order to obtain success and greatness, it is necessary to look for new opportunities. There are plenty out there, it is up to you to identify each opportunity and act upon it. Do not let everything pass you by because it may make you step out of your comfort zone. Focus in on what you want and go for it!

 If you are ready to try something new, let me know. I can help you take your first steps towards success!

Contact Me

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Keep Your Body Hydrated!

Today I started off my daily routine with a very rough workout. My legs and arms feel week from the exertion of lifting, jumping and running I did today. I was so thirsty and glad I had my water bottle handy to quench my thirst. When working out, it is important to stay hydrated, especially when it is hot outside. During the winter months your body still sweats, but the added heat of the summer will increase the sweat production. Do not let yourself push through to that next level without being hydrated, the consequences can be harsh. Looking for something low key to get your body prepared to get into shape? Contact me through Zak Brown Fitness discuss what programs I have that can get you on the right path to fitness and health!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


This morning I woke up late! I was in an absolute panic. I woke up at 6:45 and had to be at a seminar at 7:30! How was I going to have a good nutritional breakfast and get ready in less than 45 min? Obviously Shakeology was the answer. I was able to get my act together in less than 20 minutes! Now, many of you may be thinking, "Zak, I get ready that fast everyday." Well, I don't. Anyways, I threw my Shakeology in my awesome shaker cup and finished it in 2 minutes. Quite the quick turnaround time. Long story short, I arrived at my destination on time and Shakeology made it possible so I wouldn't starve.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Coaching Leads to Many Opportunities

I feel like Shakeology and Beachbody has opened up many doors of opportunity. I realize beginning stages in my journey will be rocky and sometimes difficult, but the end result is going to be amazing. Helping people achieve their fitness goals is my number one priority, second is to pass my knowledge onto other coaches so they can do the same thing I am doing. To see people work hard and get that target weight they had been working so hard for makes everything worth it. Can you say that you have helped someone lose weight or become more nutritious in their diet? To learn more about becoming a coach, follow this link: Coaching Opportunity.  Have an incredible day!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Paid Endorcements Not Needed

It is funny that most sports drinks need to pay high profile athletes to appear in their ads and commercials.  Beachbody has real athletes who simply love their products!  If you look at the following link, US water polo, you will see a few of the US water polo team came by the Beachbody office enjoying Shakeology.  If world class athletes willingly drink this great tasting nutritional supplement, why don't you?  Think about the food you eat daily.  Is there something that you eat that you can replace with Shakeology?  Chances are that you do.  To get a free sample of Shakeology, email me at or you can go to my site and request it directly from there. 

Take that first step to a healthy lifestyle.  You won't regret it!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Shake, Shake, Shake, Señora

I have a shaker now! I am quite proud of this accomplishment, though I really didn't accomplish anything. Anyways, using a shaker cup was much better than my attempt at mixing in the blender then just adding ice in the glass. The Shakeology mix, milk and ice all thrown into the shaker worked out quite pleasantly. The shake was chilled, tasted great and was much faster than the blended version. I doubt I will drop the blended shake because I don't think putting a full banana into the shaker cup will really help mix in that banana flavor. One complaint about my shaker cup is when I was mixing the beverage, chocolate kept leaking out into the sink. I am just glad I didn't get it on my clothes. Nutritious, Filling, Great Tasting and Easy!  High five for Shakeology!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


What are your goals? They do not necessarily have to do with weight loss or nutrition, but what do you want to accomplish in your life? Steady pay check, health, solid family, travel or something else? Whatever your goals may be, ultimately it all leads to happiness. If you are truly happy with your life, your goals have been met. So, what do you want to get out of your life?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dental Experience

When I initially started Shakeology, I was only taking it on the days I was working out. A couple weeks later, I had decided I was going to have Shakeology on a daily basis. I am now coming close to my fourth week straight of having Shakeology every day! This is quite an accomplishment, to commit to a meal replacement for that long can be rather challenging! I know each and every one of you can do the same. Anyways, the title of this post is "Dental Experience" so I will stop talking about my commitment level to Shakeology. The reason for this title is because I had a pretty interesting experience at the dentist the other day. For as long as I can remember, I have absolutely hated the dentist. This is not because of numerous cavities or mouth problems but more closely related to the cleaning before the dentist arrives to check for cavities. See, when the hygienist is doing her work, my gums are always so sensitive and hurt an extravagant amount during her poking and prodding. I have always made such an effort to floss and brush throughout the year so she would not have to kill my gums each time! Unfortunately, my trials always ended in failure; as soon as she started, I would be in agony. I can only imagine what my face looked like in these grim situations... This time was different, when she started to work on my mouth, I was dreading the usual pain that came next; but the pain never came! She kept working on my gums with those metal tools and it did not hurt like it usually does. Now, I have no proof of this, but I am wondering if it could be because of Shakeology. Could it be that the nutrients are making my gums stronger? Given my numerous unpleasant experiences at the dentist, I would have to conclude that Shakeology has helped out with my situation at the dentist. I wish I had some sort of proof, but I do not.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Nutrition in Your Diet is Key to Success

Maintaining a healthy diet is not easy, but it is extremely important.  Our bodies are able to process the McDonalds, Taco Bell and all of the other junk food we put into it, but those are not actually feeding us.  I try to avoid these places whenever I can, but I have to admit that I have been to a couple fast food places since I started taking Shakeology.  You can make better progress than myself though, instead of Burger King, hit up a sandwich shop.  I know that a change in your diet habits is not a fun thought to toy with, but if you want to lose weight or just become a healthier person, this is a necessary change.     Just be aware of what you are eating if you do happen to go out.  Always make sure to have your Shakeology once a day, it is a easy way to get the necessary nutrients in and save some money.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Tips to Keep to Your Fitness Goals While On The Road

You have to travel out of town for business and you are worried that you are going to be unable to stick to your nutritional goals. You are in luck!  With Beachbody, you have a wide range of instructions and tips to keep your trip from becoming a nutritional nightmare! 

First and foremost, take Shakeology with you.  This will be easy to get together while traveling.  If you don't have a blender, I would highly advise you to get a shaker cup.  Yes, I was not a huge fan of the lack of blended ice in my shake; but when lacking the necessary equipment, do what you have to do to get that nutritional supplement in.

Second is a few tips I got from Beachbody:
1. Go for the chicken or fish.
2. Avoid fried food.
3. Unless it's veggies, salad, or fruit, skip the side dish.
4. Pasta? Avoid cream sauces and just eat half your portion.
5. No bread, except if you're having a sandwich. And get whole wheat.
6. Ask for the salad dressing on the side and use it sparingly.

Don't limit yourself to major chain restaurants. In fact, they usually cater to the lowest common denominator, so you'll probably have better luck finding healthier food at an independent restaurant specializing in fresh fare for more selective customers.

If you need more tips or suggestions, contact me and I will help you all that I can.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Several trials

Yesterday was a hectic day, so unfortunately I was unable to post about the nutritional supplement shake, Shakeology. Today I have a few items to address.

The first is the Tropical Strawberry Vegan Shake. If you are completely against whey protein, this is the nutritional supplement shake you need. The smell is great, the taste is pretty good, but the major downfall is the chalkiness of it. When tasting this one, I like to give only the powder, liquid and ice. When giving out the Strawberry Shakeology, I think I am going to need a little extra help with it. I have read some posts on the best things to add into this tropical supplement. I have read a lot of posts about adding certain ingredients, but then it dawned on me. The other day I had posted about adding honey into my nutritional Shakeology supplement and it made the chocolate smoother. Maybe, just maybe if I add honey to the Tropical Strawberry, it will reduce the chalkiness! This is something I really need to investigate because it is a little hard to take it down with that texture in my mouth.

The next stop we are going to take is into the land of Greenberry. When I tell people that I have three nutritional supplement shakes that will fill their body with 70 natural ingredients, they always ask what the three flavors are. Obviously the chocolate is pretty well received, the tropical strawberry seems to spark a little interest, but the greenberry raises the question, "What in the heck is a greenberry?" You may be thinking the same thing. Well, I had greenberry Shakeology the other morning and it was hard for me to pinpoint the taste. After I was finished with my nutritional supplement, I continued to dwell on the subject. Eventually I reached this conclusion; greenberry tastes like a creamy green tea. I would highly advise you to test the greenberry shake before purchasing or try to get a sample. It really did not taste bad, but it was just different.

The final stop today is a few closing thoughts. Shakeology does have a lot to offer for your body. Whether you are skinny, overweight, athletic or out of shape. Delivering all the nutritional supplements into your body with one shake is just fantastic. Of course, if you are looking for positive results, you do need to get on a plan and stick to it. Shakeology is not a magical shake that will melt away the pounds or increase your muscle mass. If you drink it daily and workout at least three times a week, you will be satisfied with the results. It takes a plan and execution; I am here to help you if you need it.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Add a Little Honey

I added some honey to my Shakeology today. The honey made the shake taste a little sweeter, but I did not notice any major differences. Regardless, I love Shakeology, so I am cool with whatever additions I decide to throw in there.

Hitting another topic, I took some samples to a place where I worked before. I feel like I received fairly positive feedback. You have to realize that different people have different tastes and that is absolutely fine. I think if they actually tried a full sample for a day or two, it would grow on them; but it isn't worth it to try and sell Shakeology to someone who didn't enjoy it. One thing you have to remember is the financial aspect of this. Yes, it is filled with nutrients and is only $4 per shake, but people hate to hear that it costs $119 per month. To get past that selling point, you really need to get into what they are currently buying at the grocery store. Look at what you have bought recently from the grocery store. Is everything on your grocery list nutritional? Chances are no, but if you started to take those unhealthy items off and replaced one meal with Shakeology, you would be saving much more money per month. When it comes down to it, people buy a lot of needless food items that have no nutritional value at all. In order to be a successful Shakeology customer, it is necessary to be committed to the product. You will not see results if you decide to drink it one, two or three times a week. Same as anything else in life, you have to work at it to be successful. Try Shakeology for one month, if you don’t like it or feel the benefits of the product, Beachbody will refund your money within the first 30 days. All you need to do is send back the bag you purchased; you will get a full refund minus the shipping and handling. Does that ease your apprehension? Give it a go, in the grand scheme of things; what do you have to lose?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Swim Team and Parents Gave a Thumbs Up!

Yesterday I took some Shakeology to the pool where I coach and had samples for the parents and swimmers.  They gave it a huge thumbs up and wanted more information.  I gladly handed them pamphlets and discussed the benefits of  Shakeology.  It is exciting to have teenagers actually like a healthy meal replacement such as  Shakeology.  Of course their goal is not to have weight loss, but just gaining the nutrients they need will be so helpful!  Swimmers burn a lot of calories, so Shakeology will be more of a snack or may just have that with their dinner.  Whatever they choose to do, this shake will definitely help their body out. 

On another note, MSNBC posted an interesting article yesterday.  Researchers at Duke University estimate by the year 2030, 42% of the population will be obese.  That is a huge number!  We need to stop this trend!  If you do not want to be part of this statistic or want to help prevent it, please comment here and I will get back to you asap.

Here is the link to the article: MSNBC Health Article.  Have a great day!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Almond Milk, the healthier choice.

First I will start off with this weekend. I had my girlfriend, who is extremely picky, try out my spectacular Shakeology nutritional supplement and she actually liked it! She didn't have enough time for a meal before a test she had to take so she stopped by my house to get a shake before she went on her way. She was very apprehensive at first, but she enjoyed the taste, was full and satisfied until lunch time. Score one for Shakeology!

Yesterday I went to the store and picked up some almond milk. As I said in an earlier post, I am going to try several variations of Shakeology so I can help you decide that Shakeology is a good choice. I won't lie about the taste to just get you to buy this; those are not ethical business practices. Anyways, using almond milk was just fine; I couldn't really tell the difference between regular milk and almond milk. That is a definite plus. Using the almond milk, the shake seemed a little thicker than usual, but maybe I added too much ice. I will try a little less ice tomorrow, with more success, hopefully.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Excitment Everywhere!

The more I share about Shakeology, take Shakeology and even have others taste Shakeology; the more excited I get about this product and this company.  The potential that one individual can accomplish with just a few simple guidelines is absolutely incredible.  Just taking that first step towards fitness can alter your life forever.  The key to reaching your goals is to be consistent; I understand that it can be difficult at times, but we can make the journey together. Let me help you achieve your goals.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Shakeology vs Isagenix

I have heard of some people taking Isagenix, so I began looking into the differences between Isagenix and Shakeology

If you have never heard of Isagenix, it is also a meal replacement shake much like Shakeology.

The positives of Isagenix is that it contains 23 grams of protein per serving (compared to Shakeology's18 grams of protein per serving). Isagenix, like Shakeology, also contains many naturally occurring ingredients which set them apart from other meal replacements. However, there aren't any other components that set Isagenix apart from Shakeology.

On the negative side, Isagenix contains 1100% more fat than Shakeology (6 grams compared to less than half a gram). It also contains more cholesterol and sodium than is found in Shakeology and contains 240 calories per serving when Shakeology only has 150 calories per serving.

Isagenix lacks to potency of the vitamins and minerals that Shakeology contains. Isagenix has only 40% of the daily recommended allowance of Vitamin C versus 300% in Shakeology. It lacks significance of other vitamins contained in every Shakeology drink such as Vitamin B1, B2, and B3. You would actually have to drink 2-4 Isagneix shakes to get the same concentration of vitamins and minerals found in just 1 Shakeology shake.

This is a brief overview of the differences; if you would like more information on the comparison of Shakeology vs. Isagenix or any other nutritional supplement, please contact me through:

Thank you and have a spectacular day!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Shakeology is too Expensive!

This is another question that has been brought to my attention, and I must say that the initial look at the price seems like it is over the top.  Shakeology costs, assuming you choose to have it shipped to you on an automatic monthly basis, $119.85 per month.  For that price, you are receiving 30 meals; which breaks down to about $4.00 per shake.  Seems expensive, but is it actually expensive?  The answer is no.  Look into your daily purchasing habits.  Do you currently purchase Starbucks in the morning?  What about getting Subway for dinner?  Both of these establishments can be more expensive.  Can you get Starbucks for cheaper than $4?  The answer is obviously yes, but now think of the nutrition in a Starbucks coffee:
Nutrition Facts Per Serving (8 fl oz)
Calories 5Calories from Fat 0
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 0g0%
Saturated Fat 0g0%
Trans Fat 0g
Cholesterol 0mg0%
Sodium 5mg0%
Total Carbohydrate 0g0%
Dietary Fiber 0g0%
Sugars 0g
Protein 0g
Vitamin A  0%  Vitamin C  0%  Calcium  0%  Iron  0%
Caffeine 180mg

This will run you probably $1.50-$2.50 per cup.  Yes, this will help wake you up for those morning hours, but will you be hungry after you finish?   Probably, so to combat this, you may buy a breakfast sandwich at Starbucks as well.  Is the Starbucks breakfast sandwich giving your body the nutrition it needs?  Absolutely not, if you take this route, you are going well over the $4 and you are not feeding your body the top quality nutrients it yearns for.

Now, in Shakeology, you are getting OVER 70 WHOLE FOODS in one shake.  Here is a list of some of the nutrients in Shakeology:

Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K1
Vitamin B1- thiamin Vitamin B2- riboflavin Vitamin B3- niacin Vitamin B6 Folic Acid
Vitamin B12 Biotin- B7 Pantothenic Acid Calcium Iron 
Phosphorus Iodine Magnesium Zinc Copper
Manganese Chromium Molybdenum Maca Powder Spirulina
Blue Breen Algae Probiotic Blend Kamut Grass Grean Tea decaffeinated Yacon
Hydrilla MSM Enzyme Blend Wheat Grass Flax
Apple Pectin Powder Pea Fiber Ashwagandha Powder Amaranth Chlorella 
Astragalus Powder Quinoa Barley Grass Grape Seed Extract

What, all of that for only $4 a glass?  What a bargin, right??  Think about what you are eating every day, I am almost guarantee that you do not get this much nutrition in your body each day. 

It is important to understand that the cost of this product is actually a bargin.  If you were to try to buy all the ingredients individually to make the same nutritional value , you would be paying way over $119.85 per month.  Why not give Shakeology a try, if you don't like it, Beachbody will give you a full refund up to 30 days.  Call me if you have any questions: 661-333-3692

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Too Much Sugar!

I have been sharing with people about the benefits and nutritional features of Shakeology and a couple of them have told me that Shakeology has too much sugar.  Looking at the nutritional information, it shows that Shakeology has 9 grams of sugar.  From what I have read, the fructose Shakeology is naturally occurring from fruit.  The stats of an apple show that one large apple contains 25 grams of sugar.  That is much more than Shakeology, so does this make an apple unhealthy?  I think not.  It is all about balance between nutrition and exercise, Shakeology has numerous nutritional benefits and success stories.  What will your success story be?  Feel free to contact me at 661-333-3692 if you would like more information.